
Transition from Year 6 to Year 7 – what all parents need to know

The move to secondary school can be daunting for children (as well as parents!).  We understand that there are many questions about how to prepare your child for the next […]

Help! How do I revise?

Did you know that knowing how to revise is scientific?  You need to understand how your brain retains information in order to revise effectively.  This blog will offer a range […]

Autism awareness – why inclusion matters

Autism awareness in schools is crucial.  There is a social disparity in the educational experiences of autistic people versus their neurotypical peers. Autistic children can be mislabeled as ‘naughty’ or ‘difficult’, and […]

Youth Mental Health Crisis

Youth Mental Health Crisis The impact of COVID-19 and further cuts to Government funding continues to affect all of our public services.  The repercussions of this are felt by all.  […]

Achieve your study goals in 2024

With a New Year, comes new opportunities – share our ‘how to achieve your study goals’ tips with your children to kick start 2024! 1) Have focus… If you could […]

The value of online lessons

Since the pandemic, we have offered online lessons as well as the in-person sessions we have traditionally been known for. In the process of doing so, we discovered some important […]

Preparing for the 11+ exam

As Manchester residents, we’re privileged to have many grammar and private schools to choose from. However, finding the right one for your child and preparing for the exam can be […]

Why become a tutor?

We’re always looking for high quality tutors to join our team – particularly if you’re passionate about about your subject and supporting students on their educational journey. We have a […]

How to prepare for the exam season

The exam season is on the horizon once more and it can be a stressful time for many students and their families. These top tips are designed to reduce some […]

Supporting children to set New Year’s resolutions

New Year’s Eve is here once more and, with it, the promise of a new beginning to 2023 and the setting of fresh resolutions. Many children also like take part […]

Top tips for the new school year

September is here again and, with it, a new academic year. Students are settling back into the school day routine and hopefully 2022/2023 will be a more normal year for […]

Six Summer Reading Recommendations

The summer is upon us and schools will soon be breaking up for the long holidays. Here are six reading recommendations for children to enjoy this holiday and for you […]

Looking for a GCSE or A-level tutor?

The summer term will soon be here and with it, the end of year exams. Take some of the pressure off by booking in one of our specialist tutors to […]

Five reasons why tutoring may be the right role for you

Our tutor team here at Choice Home Tutoring has grown hugely over the past few years. We’re proud to be supporting more families than ever and our constant recruitment of […]

Getting learning back on track in 2022

To say that learning has been disrupted over the past couple of years would be an understatement. Hopefully, schools are now in a position to operate along normal lines once […]

Top five adult jokes in children’s films

The Christmas holiday gives many of us the opportunity to put on a family classic and fetch the popcorn. Writers of children’s films can be very clever at incorporating adult […]

The value of ‘play’ in education

As we settle into the winter months, keeping students engaged in their education can become something of a challenge. Incorporating games and play can keep learning fun – but does […]

How to motivate students

What motivates students to learn? While the answer may differ between individuals, there are common threads that can be drawn upon. Maslow famously suggested a ‘hierarchy of needs’ in order […]