Achieve your study goals in 2024

With a New Year, comes new opportunities – share our ‘how to achieve your study goals’ tips with your children to kick start 2024!

1) Have focus…

If you could do anything and knew that you wouldn’t fail, what would it be?  Identify the barriers to making your goals a reality and work on each one.  As long as your goals are realistic, you can achieve them.  Ask yourself…What are the practical steps required to make this happen?  You might need some extra research or advice so be prepared to ask others how they achieved their success.

2) Know the ‘why’!

Who is the most important person in 2024?  You are! The New Year is a time for self-reflection and positive affirmations.  Leave yourself a note or write yourself a letter to acknowledge that this year belongs to you.  Take ownership of your own goals and wants for 2024 and you will be more likely to commit to ensuring you achieve them. If the ‘why’ is strong, the rest will fall into place.

3) Be authentically you!

As Oscar Wilde infamously said, “Be yourself as everyone else is already taken”.  Knowing you want to make changes but not knowing how can be daunting.  Looking to others to emulate their dreams is an unhelpful way to know what’s best for you. Pursuing a goal you’re not fully committed to will only distract you from what you truly want to achieve. Be true to yourself and focus on personalising your goals; this will increase the gratification when you achieve them.

4) Increase accountability!

You are responsible for you.  You have people who love and care for you, but your success will come from your own hard work and determination.  Your parents and teachers will remind you of the bigger picture, but this direction ultimately comes from you.  Once you have identified your goals for this year, share them with others; you’re more likely to follow them through if others are there to share in your success.

5) Predict obstacles and plan for rewards…

If you know that you require help in achieving your goals, be brave and reach out.  We all have different obstacles as life provides us with our own unique path.  Self-reflect to identify whether you are a procrastinator or self-deprecating (both behaviours are a barrier to achieving goals!).  Instead, retrain your brain to identify unhelpful behaviours and plan for rewarding yourself.  If you usually leave revision to the last few days before an assessment, begin two weeks earlier and treat yourself for your hard work.  Go the gym, do some retail therapy or go and see a friend – you’ll have earned this time and will be well prepared for your studies.

Choice Home Tutoring are here to help your child’s academic goals be realised in 2024.  Get in touch to see how our wonderful tutors can help.