Top tips for the new school year

September is here again and, with it, a new academic year. Students are settling back into the school day routine and hopefully 2022/2023 will be a more normal year for us all. Here are some top tips for making the most of this new school year.
Start as you mean to go on

Setting fresh habits right at the beginning of the academic year is a great idea. It could involve encouraging students to ensure that they write down their homework in their diaries each day or to read for half an hour before bed. Whatever new habits are set, it’s always beneficial to start as you mean to go on.

Teach organisational skills

At some stage in our lives, all of us had to learn the organisational skills that, with maturity, became ‘second nature’ to us. Most students need guidance to organise their books the night before, get their homework done in good time or plan ahead for their revision. Families often use the support of a tutor to help develop these skills – something we’re always happy to help with.

Support students with HOW to learn

Teaching independent learning skills is critical and it’s never too late, or too soon, to start. This is quite separate to national curriculum knowledge and, arguably, even more valuable. Teaching students how to research and source information for themselves is invaluable, as is learning how to organise and develop knowledge for themselves.

Encourage creativity

Creativity is so important for learning but also for our mental health and wider wellbeing. We often think of creativity as being something artistic, but it could also involve coding, a new sport or project work – the possibilities are endless, so encourage students to join a new club at school or find a fresh hobby.

Work alongside a tutor

Tutors help to support students enjoy their learning and grow in confidence. We offer support across all academic subjects, but also in non-subject specific areas, such as how to revise and time management. The great benefit of one-to-one tuition is that sessions are able to be tailored to your child to ensure they get the most from their education.

If you are interested in finding out more about tuition then pop your details in the form below and we will send further information across to you.